Science International Limited
in association with
Narosa Publishing
is pleased to announce
the launch of the bi-annual
issues will be published in
March and September each year
Rapid expansion in sectors of ocean
and ship technology is imperative for growth. Understanding
the present technological needs and keeping in mind
diversification of this broad area and the inter-disciplinary
nature of research contributing to ocean and ship
technology, this journal Journal
of Ocean and Ship Technology (JOST) is
being launched aimed at cooperating with Universities,
Industries and Research Laboratories.
Published on behalf of the Department of Ocean Engineering
& Naval Architecture, Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur, which has, since its inception in 1952,
made giant strides in imparting the best technical
education and in the past five decades made significant
contributions to the development of Shipbuilding industry,
the Navy and allied offshore industries, the issues
will be published in January and July each year.
Prof. Dr. Nisith R. Mandal
Department of Ocean Engineering & Naval Architecture
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur
- 721 302
Email: nrm@naval.iitkgp.ernet.in
Dr. Sukomal Mandal, India
Dr. P.Vethamony, India
Dr. Yasuyuki Nakagawa, Japan
Dr. Tetsuya Hiraishi, Japan
Prof. Yasumi Kawamura, Japan
Prof. Purnendu K. Das, U.K.
Prof. Richard Lee Storch, USA
Prof. Alan L. Rowen, USA
Prof. R. Ajit
Shenoi, U.K.
Prof. A. H. Sheikh, Australia
Dr. Avijit Gangopadhyay, U.S.A.
Dr. Dileep K. Krishnan, India
Dr. Tanmay Sarkar, U.K.
Prof. K.Prasad Rao, India
Prof. Torgeir Moan, Norway |
The broad objectives of JOST are to:
• Create a platform for knowledge sharing and dissemination
on latest advances
• Promote synergy between academia and industry
• Promote awareness in thrust areas of technological
advances through strong linkage between scientific community
and industry
JOST will publish original articles and technical papers
related to the following broad areas:
• Coastal & Ocean Engineering
• Design & Production of Marine Vehicles
• Marine Structures
• Marine Hydrodynamics
• Welding Technology
• Marine Corrosion
• Renewable ocean energy |
• Coastal Hydrodynamics
• Applications of CAD/CAM in Marine Technology
• Marine Environment
• Marine Acoustics
• Port & Harbour Engineering
• Other related areas |
Papers are invited from authors on the topics
Guidelines for preparing
the Manuscript:
" Manuscript should be prepared
in English, in MSWORD format with single spacing in
single column on standard A4 size paper with 12pt Times
New Roman font.
" Print area
should be 5.75 inches in width x 8 inches in height
including running head and folio number.
" Abstract
of the paper should be typed in single line spacing
in single column with not exceeding 200 words.
" Soft copy
of the manuscript can be submitted to: jost@naval.iitkgp.ernet.in
" Submission
of manuscript by soft copy, subject name in email should
be mentioned as "Paper Submission for JOST".
Maximum length
of Papers involving technical works should
be between 2500 and 3500 words. Papers involving short
technical communication should be limited to 1500 -
2500 words.
of the paper: The structure listed below
is recommended for final preparation of the manuscript:
Introduction, background and purpose of the study, review
of the work, methodology and procedures used, results
and discussion, summary and conclusions, references.
Authors are encouraged to use Appendices in Technical
papers for detailed explanation where appropriate.
The first page of the manuscript should
contain the following in same order: (i) Title of the
paper (14 pt Times New Roman font - bold), (ii) Name(s)
of author(s) (12pt. ital. upper lower), (iii) Institutional
affiliation, full postal address including email address
(in 9pt. roman), (iv) Email address of corresponding
author (in 9pt. roman), and (v) Abstract not exceeding
200 words. Leave ½ inch space after your email
All Sections and Sub-sections should
be numbered. Sections can be divided into sub-sections
if necessary e.g. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, -------------1.1.1,
1.1.2, 1.1.3 etc.
Tables and Figures should be typed
along with the text. Each Table and Figure should have
a number and caption at the top. Figures should be in
high resolution and inserted appropriately in the body
of the text close to the text reference.
All cited References must be at the end of the manuscript
in the format given below and in alphabetical order.
For Journal papers
Adams, T.M., Tang, A.Y.S. and Wiegand, N. (1993). Spatial
data models for managing subsurface data. Journal of
Computation in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 7(3): 260-277.
For Text
Books/ Reports
Anderson, M.P. and Woessner, W.W. (1992). Applied Groundwater
Modeling. Academic Press, San Diego, pp381.
For Conference/Symposium
Ayibotele, N.B. (1992). The world's water: Assessing
the resource. Proceedings of the International Conference
on Water and the Environment: Development Issues for
21st Century, 26-31 January 1992, Dublin, Ireland, pp.
For Chapters
in Edited Books
Haan, C.T. and Storm, D.E. (1996). Nonpoint Source Pollution
Modeling with GIS. In: V.P. Singh and M. Fiorentino
(editors), Geographical Information Systems in Hydrology,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, the Netherlands,
pp. 323-338.
For Internet
IPCC (2001). Third Assessment Report --- Climate Change
2001. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, http://www.ipcc.ch
(accessed on June 15, 2003).
Department of Ocean Engineering & Naval Architecture
IIT Kharagpur - 721 302, INDIA
Tel.: +91 (03222) 282284 / 283776
Fax: +91 (03222) 255303
Email: nrm@naval.iitkgp.ernet.in
Business address:
Alpha Science International Ltd.
7200 The Quorum,
Oxford Business Park North
Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2JZ, U.K.
Tel.: + 44 (01865) 481433
Fax: + 44 (01865) 481482
Email: info@ alphasci.com
Website: www.alphasci.com